Gordi - Primavera Barcelona 2017
Updates - June
No updates in a while. I have attended Governors Ball and Bonnaroo Festivals and I've had so many great opportunities to photograph amazing musicians there. No offence to PRs, but in the US it's better or should I say, easier !So... I have new portraits of Cage The Elephant, Arctic Monkeys, Flaming Lips, Janelle Monae, Phoenix, Washed Out, MS MR, Phosphorescent, Little Dragon and Vance Joy ! They were all super sweet and I can not wait to do more portraits soon.
I was also allowed to photograph Cage The Elephant full set and I've put my favorite images here. They are definitely my favorite band to photograph at the moment. So energetic ! I Love it ! I also did a little behind the scenes feature of Californian band Allah-Las.
Before that, I was commissioned to photograph Volcano Choir at Primavera. It was amazing ! I have never heard of them before. Only heard of Bon Iver (Justin Vernon's other band) but It was a great discovery. I was so glad to be able to work with them.
I've also had some photographs on Rolling Stone magazine : MS MR, Allah-Las, James Blake, my super sweet Phoenix photo, Avett Brothers and Sam Smith. Also got some of my Primavera's photos in. Also my La Roux shot on NME magazine. Some on Bilboard and Fuse too.
Straight after Bonnaroo, I've headed to Hurricane Festival in Germany. My photos are on the Getty website. The Line-Up was a bit too Emo for me in general and a lot of German bands that I have never heard about but it was my second year there and a great experience so far. I was happy to be able to catch Interpol, Preatures and my other favorite : Reignwolf ! I made it to the Grammy website with The Black Keys and the Guardian, MusikExpress with a Spoon photo and Live Nation.
I also shot Spoon in London for the Line of Best Fit. It was amazing but unfortunately little lights. I'm so happy that they are back.
Tuesday, I am flying to Poland for Open'er.
Primavera is always a bit of a challenge as there is about 200 photographers to share the pits with... Here are my pros and cons of this year festival.+ Sun + Seeing the Cure + Shooting Portraits of Josh T Pearson - one of the greatest beard around + Richard Hawley + Goat cheese salad
- The storm on the last day and no tent to put us in - Shooting the Cure (the worse pictures of my Cure history - I will blame the high stage and the other 200 photographers)... - Waking up after three hours sleep - Not understanding anything - Too many point and shoot
One of the good things is that I met Josh T Pearson who accepted to do a portrait session. However I had to wake up after only three hours sleep to do the shoot at the hotel. I waited patiently half asleep for him and his Manager to arrive, behind Marianne Faithful... I would have love to bump into Warren Ellis who played the Festival with the Dirty Three but unfortunately it didn't happen !
Since I have been back from Primavera, I have only shot one gig : Jack White at Brixton !
A couple of pics are on flickr - Do not use anywhere even on Blogs without my prior authorization - Thanks !